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Building a Darwin Sequence Database

The previous section showed what a typical Darwin entry might look like. In this section, we build a rudimentary parsing engine to convert the entire contents of Swiss-Prot into a Darwin friendly format. The Darwin library offers the function SpToDarwin which performs a slightly extended version of what we perform here.

Calling Sequence:
SpToDarwin(flatfile, darwinfile, descr : name, compressed : boolean)
SpToDarwin(flatfile, darwinfile, descr : name)
flatfile : name
darwinfile : name
descr : name
compressed : boolean

Returns: Converts a Swiss-Prot flat file (flatfile) into a Darwin loadable file ( darwinfile). The parameter descr should contain a name item with the DESCR, DBNAME and DBRELEASE tags. If compressed is specified and true, flatfileis read using the Unix command zcat.

Our procedure, ConvertDB accepts either three or four parameters. The first argument flatfile is the flat file or raw data file containing all the Swiss-Prot entries we would like to convert. The second argument darwinfile is the destination file where we will store the converted form. The third argument allows us to specify the name of our database. The value of descript is wrapped in <DESCR>, </DESCR> tags. If the boolean variable compressed is specified and true, then flatfile is first decompressed via the UNIX zcat command.

After establishing a pipe between Darwin and the flat file flatfile (see §[*]) and writing the database descriptor to file darwinfile, we can begin parsing the Swiss-Prot flat file. The parsing follows a simple schematic shown in Figure [*].

Figure: The parser for a Swiss-Prot file. We begin in state Outside Entry. When any line tag is found which is a member of the set TagsToKeep, the state is changed to Inside Entry. This state is responsible for creating the SGML code for all labels except SQ and FT as both of these states require special attention. State SQ is responsible for parsing a sequence tag and the sequence stretches across multiple lines of the flat file without further SQ tags. With respect to the FT (feature table), we are only interested in keeping FT information corresponding to secondary structure assignments. We switch to state FT Tag Initial upon encountering the first such FT tag. State FT Tag Latter is reached only if we encounter an FT tag which has information we keep. The symbols // mark the end of an entry. In this case, we switch to state Outside Entry. State Finish is reached only after every entry from the flat file is processed.

 ConvertDB := proc( flatfile : name, darwinfile : name, 
                    descript : name, compressed : boolean )
   local state;
   secstruct := CreateString(1..5000);           # temporary holder for FT tag
   state := 0; 
   # state  ->  0 : Outside Entry;  1 : Inside Entry;  2 : FT Tag Initial
   #            3 : FT Tag Latter   4 : SQ Tag         5 : Finish
   TagsToKeep := {'ID', 'AC', 'DE', 'OS', 'OC', 'FT', 'SQ'};       

   if compressed then                              # establish a pipe between Darwin and flatfile
     OpenPipe('zcat '.flatfile);

   printf('<DBDESCR>%s<CONVDATE>%s</CONVDATE></DBDESCR>\n', descript, date());

   t := ReadLine();              # get the first line from the file.
   tag := t[1..2];               # 1st two characters contain the line type.
   while (true) do               # we use break to get out of the loop.

     if (state=0) then
       if (t=EOF) then
         state := 5;  next;                
                                 # go to state Finish and skip to top of loop
       elif (member(tag, TagsToKeep)) then
         state := 1; printf('\n<E>'); next;      
                                 # go to Inside Entry open an entry and skip to top
         # do nothing                        # stay in state 0, ignore line
     elif (state=1) then
       if (tag='//') then
         state := 0; printf('\n</E>');       # close entry
       elif (tag='FT') then
         state := 3; next;
       elif (tag='SQ') then
         state := 4; next;
       elif (member(tag, TagsToKeep)) then   
         ParseTag(t); next;
     elif (state=2) then
       if (tag='FT') then
         temp := ParseFTLine(t);
         if (temp <> NULL) then            # information from the line was kept
           state := 3; printf('\n<FT>%s', temp);  # good FT tag 
       elif (tag='//') then
         state := 0; printf('\n</E>\n');              
                                # go back Outside Entry and close entry
         state := 1; next;                      # go back to Inside Entry
     elif (state=3) then
       if (agt='FT') then
         for i to length(sec_struct) do sec_struct(i):=' '; od;
         length_struct := 0;
         ParseFTLine(t, sec_struct, length_struct);
       elif (tag='//') then
         state := 0;  printf('\n%s</FT></E>\n', sec_struct[1..length_struct]);
         state :=1;   next;
     elif (state=4) then
       if (tag='SQ') then
         printf('\n<SEQ>%s</SEQ>', ParseSequence();
         state := 1;  next; 
     elif (state=5) then 

     t := ReadLine();             # get the next line from the pipe.
     tag := t[1..2];              # get the next tag.


All that remains from completing our parser is to write the procedures ParseTag, ParseSequence, and ParseFTLine.

 ParseTag := proc( t : name )
   tag := t[1..2];
   printf('\n<%s>', tag);
   while (true) do
     while (t[p] = ' ') do p := p+1 od;
     printf('%s ', t[p]..length(t));
     t := ReadLine();
     if (t[1..2] <> tag) then

 ParseSequence := proc(  )
   seq := '';                   # seq holds the partial sequence
   while (true) do
     t := ReadLine();           # get the next line from the pipe
     tag := t[1..2];
     if (tag = '  ') then
       for p from 3 to length(t) do
         if (t[p] > ' ') then
           seq := seq . If(AToInt(t[p]) = 0, 'X', t[p]);

 ParseFTLine := proc( t : name, sec_struct : name, length_struct : posint )
   global sec_struct, length_struct;

   temp := sscanf(2+t, '%s %d %d');
   if (length(temp) = 3) and ((temp[1]='TURN') or (temp[1]='HELIX') 
                                               or (temp[1]='STRAND')) then
     if (temp[3] > length_struct) then length_struct := temp[3]; fi;
     for i from temp[2] to temp[3] do
       if (temp[1]='TURN') then sec_struct[i] := 't'; 
       elif (temp[1] = 'HELIX') then sec_struct[i] := 'h';
       elif (temp[1] = 'STRAND') then sec_struct[i] := 's';

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Gaston Gonnet