@InProceedings{ basin.ea:bytecode:2002, abstract = {Java bytecode verification is traditionally performed by a polynomialtime dataflow algorithm. We investigate an alternative based onreducing bytecode verification to model checking. Despite anexponential worst case time complexity, model checking type-correctbytecode is polynomial in practice when carried out using anexplicit state, on-the-fly model checker like SPIN. We investigatethis theoretically and experimentally and explain the practical advantages ofthis alternative.}, address = {Grenoble, France}, author = {David Basin and Stefan Friedrich and Marek Gawkowski and Joachim Posegga}, booktitle = {Model Checking Software, 9th International SPIN Workshop}, editor = {Dragan Bosnacki and Stefan Leue}, isbn = 3540434771, language = {USenglish}, month = {April}, pages = {42--59}, pdf = {papers/2002/BFGP_spin2002.pdf}, ps = {papers/2002/BFGP_spin2002.ps.gz}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, series = {LNCS}, title = {{B}ytecode {M}odel {C}hecking: {A}n {E}xperimental {A}nalysis}, volume = 2318, year = 2002 }