@InProceedings{ basin.ea:separation:2011, abstract = {We introduce the concept of Separation of Duties (SoD) as a Service, an approach to enforcing SoD requirements on work ows and thereby preventing fraud and errors. SoD as a Service facilitates a separation of concern between business experts and security professionals. Moreover, it allows enterprises to address the need for internal controls and to quickly adapt to organizational, regulatory, and technological changes. In this paper, we describe an implementation of SoD as a Service, which extends a widely used, commercial workflow system, and discuss its performance. We present a drug dispensation workflow deployed in a hospital as case study to demonstrate the feasibility and bene ts of our proof-of-concept implementation.}, address = {Hong Kong, China}, author = {David Basin and Samuel J. Burri and Guenter Karjoth}, booktitle = {ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS '11')}, language = {USenglish}, month = 03, pdf = {papers/2011/asiaccs2011-preview.pdf}, publisher = {ACM}, title = {Separation of Duties as a Service}, year = 2011 }