6.3.2020 - ORB.Mod.txt updated. See ORB.ThisModule. Error in Import with alias corrected. 8.2.2020 - ORP.Mod.txt correction suggested by A. Pirklbauer in ORP.Module (ORP.Import) 26.1.2020 change aborted 31.5.2019 - ORP.Mod.txt, ORG.Mod.txt updated in TypeTest 15.5.2019 - Floating-point rounding corrected update Texts.WriteReal and ORS.Number 20190301 - ORB.Mod.txt updated, see InType (variable last) 20290118 - Fonts.Mod.txt cleanup and correction in Fonts.Load 20190117 - Oberon System updates: Dinsplay.Mod.txt CopyPattern, now pattern width w <= 32 (not < 32) Modules.Mod.txt at end of Load: res >= 3 (not res = 3) Texts.Mod.txt: IF T.notify # NIL THEN T.notify ... in Insert, Delete and ChangeLooks 20190109 - Syntax change in Lola: Use "=" in (const and type) declarations; use ":=" in statements (like in Oberon) Update LSC.Mod.txt, RISC5.Lola.txt, RISC5a.Lola.txt, RISC5Top.Lola.txt, MouseP.Lola.txt, VID.Lola.txt 20190108 - Update Texts.Mod.txt (see Insert, Delete, ChangeLooks) and Modules.Mod.txt (Load) 20181201 - Update Texts.Mod.txt (Read), and ORB.Mod.txt (outType) 20180918 - Update Oberon compiler Compiler now consumes considerably less heap space -- ORS.Mod.txt 20180912 - Update Oberon compiler Type tests other than for pointers and record parameters detected as illegal. see ORP.TypeTest Reexport of objects from aliased modules fixed. See ORB.OutType. Updated files are ORP.Mod.txt, ORG.Mod.txt, ORB.Mod.txt 20180804 - Update RISC5 definition in Lola, according to changes on 2018 06 28 RISC5.Lola RISC5Top.Lola 20180720 - Update compiler: ORP.Mod.txt and ORG.Mod.txt Cash for base adr of global variables "curSB" has been removed from ORG.Mod. Removal of this optimization makes compiler simpler. 20180628 - Update of RISC5, see RISC5.Update. Cleanup; new feature: Interrupts. Instruction set unchanged. New source files: RISC5Top.v, RISC5.v, RISC5a.v, Registers.v (RISC5a is RISC5 without floating-point and without interrupt) 20170211 - TextFrames.Mod.txt updated (GetSelection) 20161116 - LeftShifter.v, RightShifter.v as new separate sub-modules, changed: RISC5.v also added LeftShifter.Lola, RightShifter.Lola, changed RISC5.Lola 20161003 - FPAdder corrected. x = 0.0, y = 0.0, x - y 20160918 - RISC5.v , RISC5.Lola adr: offset with sign extension FPDivider.v FP.Divider.Lola.txt proper rounding ORP.Mod, ORG.Mod, ORB.Mod "aesthetic" improvements LSC.Mod , LSV.Mod corrections 20160808 - FPMultiplier.v FPMultiplier.Lola.txt correct rounding 20160704 - Display.Mod updated guard against w < 0 in Display.ReplConst 20160620 - System.Mod updated (see procedure Clear) 20160601 - TextFrames.Mod.txt updated see TextFrames.Extend WHILE ... & (curY >= botY) ... 20160508 - Oberon07.Report.pdf see syntax of module (";" removed) see ORP.Declarations (OR (sym = ORB.return)) 20160501 - Oberon07.Report.pdf see defintion of Type 20160418 - corrections: ORP.Mod.txt ORG.Mod.txt 20160410 - updates ORP.Mod.txt see CompTypes ORG.Mod.txt see StoreStruct Modules.Mod.txt see Error() (recompilation not needed) Graphics.Mod.txt 20160307 - compiler ORP updated ORP.Statsequence (assignment) ORP.CompTypes (dyn arrays: t1.len = -1) 20160304 - compiler updated comparison of Booleans re-restablished (ORP.expression, ORG.IntRelation) assignment of arrays: lengths of source and destination must be equal (ORP.CompTypes)