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Structured Types


(1) Only the first letter of each word should be capitalised.

(2) Structured type names should be kept reasonably short. When abbreviations seem appropriate, they should take place according to the $\star$ rule above. The abbreviations should be included in the abbreviations list.

(3) Abbreviations used in selector names should correspond to abbreviations used throughout the system. It makes no sense to use the abbreviation Sim for Similarity throughout the Darwin system and then require users to select with Simil on DayMatrix structures.

(4) Nouns should be singular. Thus Entry not Entries.

(5) When the structure is used in tandem with a routine (like with stats/Update, DrawPlot/Plot, Grid/CreateGrid), the name for the structure should be comprised of the noun used in naming the associated routine followed by Struct. For example, change Plot to PlotStruct, change stats to StatStruct (Rule 4 and 5).

(6) Selector names should be case insensitive. Thus, the selector PamNumber for structured type DayMatrix should be changed to PAMNUMBER and pamnumber.

(7) Selector names should reflect the type of data they return. If they return a simple type, they should have names formatted according to the naming conventions for simple types. If they return structured types, they should have names formed according to these rules. The only exception to these rules is that they must be case insensitive.

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Gaston Gonnet