Programming 31/Dec/1997 experimental Basic A programming CD which allows to exchange scientific programs and algorithms between some common languages. Formal, Constructor Declaration This statement associates names of variables with types and values. Each argument of the Declaration is an equation. The left-hand side of the equation is a variable or a list of variables which are being declared. The right-hand side of the equation is a TypeTokens. Each variable on the lhs is declared to be of the type and values contained in the rhs. Declarations can appear in Blocks or at the top level. When they appear at the top level they are valid for the entire program. When they appear in a Block they are valid for the entire Block. If a variable is declared in more than one nested Block, the closest enclosing Declaration is used. With minor restrictions, the arguments of Declaration follow the same syntax as the arguments for TypeDeclaration, Parameters and Record. Nary Sequence( Equation( Union( symbol, List(symbol)), TypeTokens() )) -> constructor n Integer a b Float Long Local TypeDeclaration This statement associates names with types. These names can be used instead of the explicit types. Non-trivial types are best defined by a TypeDeclaration once and then used (maybe several times) for variable declarations. Each argument of the TypeDeclaration is an equation. The left-hand side of the equation is a name or a list of names which are being declared. The right-hand side of the equation is a TypeTokens. Each name on the lhs is associated with the TypeTokens on the right-hand-side. TypeDeclarations should appear at the top level. They are global and valid for all the programs and functions defined. With minor restrictions, the arguments of TypeDeclaration follow the same syntax as the arguments for Declaration, Parameters and Record. Nary Sequence( Equation( Union( symbol, List(symbol)), TypeTokens() )) -> constructor complex real imag Float Long Function This construction defines a function. A function receives some arguments and computes a value which is being returned. A function definition has four arguments. The first argument is its name. The second argument describes the parameters passed to the function (see Parameters). The third argument is the TypeTokens of the value returned by the function. The fourth argument is typically a Block, but could be any Statement, and it is the body of the function, that is all the statements that will be executed when the function is invoked. A function can only return a scalar value. That is a simple type. Simple types are all types defined in this CD excluding Arrays and Records. 4ary ( symbol, Parameters(), TypeTokens(), Block() ) -> constructor Procedure This construction defines a procedure. A procedure receives some arguments and computes but does not return any explicit value. A procedure definition has three arguments. The first argument is its name. The second argument describes the parameters passed to the procedure (see Parameters). The third argument is typically a Block, but could be any Statement, and it is the body of the procedure, that is all the statements that will be executed when the procedure is invoked. Ternary ( symbol, Parameters(), Block() ) -> constructor Program This construction defines a complete program. A program does not receive any arguments and does not return any explicit value. A program definition has two arguments. The first argument is its name. The second argument is typically a Block, but could be any Statement, and it is the body of the program, that is all the statements that will be executed when the program is executed. Binary ( symbol, Block() ) -> constructor Local In a declaration this is an indication that the name(s) defined are only valid within the declaration. Names, coinciding with the name(s) declared, defined in an outer scope become unreachable. Unless a Constant(...) declaration is also used, the name(s) declared should not be used before assigning them a value. The name Local cannot be used inside a TypeDeclaration, Parameters or Record DeclSequence. Constant () -> constructor Declaration Global In a declaration this is an indication that the name(s) defined are global names, that is a single instance of the variable is accessible to all the code. Unless a Constant(...) declaration is also used, the name(s) declared should not be used before assigning them a value. The name Global cannot be used inside a TypeDeclaration, Parameters or Record DeclSequence. Constant () -> constructor Declaration Integer In a declaration, type declaration, parameter or record, this is an indication that the name(s) defined will hold integer values. The range of valid integers depends on other qualifiers (Short, Long). Integers are assumed to be signed integers. Constant () -> constructor Declaration TypeDeclaration Parameters Record Float In a declaration, type declaration, parameter or record, this is an indication that the name(s) defined will hold floating point values. The precision and range of valid floating point numbers depends on other qualifiers (Short, Long). It is assumed that the definition of a Float (and its precision qualifier) comply with the IEEE standard for floating point representation. Constant () -> constructor Declaration TypeDeclaration Parameters Record Char In a declaration, type declaration, parameter or record, this is an indication that the name(s) defined will hold character values (ascii or unicode). Strings are defined as arrays of characters. Constant () -> constructor Declaration TypeDeclaration Parameters Record Type This construct takes one argument. In a declaration, type declaration, parameter or record, this is an indication that the name(s) defined will hold values of the same type as the argument of Type. Constant () -> constructor Declaration TypeDeclaration Parameters Record Short In a declaration, type declaration, parameter or record, this is an indication that the name(s) defined will be as short as possible. For integers, this is at least 16-bits signed integers; for floating point numbers this is at least 32-bit floating point numbers according to the IEEE standard. Constant () -> constructor Declaration TypeDeclaration Parameters Record Long In a declaration, type declaration, parameter or record, this is an indication that the name(s) defined will be longer than normal. For integers, this is at least 64-bits signed integers; for floating point numbers this is at least 64-bit floating point numbers according to the IEEE standard. For characters, this is at least a 16-bit encoding. Constant () -> constructor Declaration TypeDeclaration Parameters Record Constant In a declaration, type declaration, parameter or record, this construction assigns an initial value to the variable(s) declared. Constant takes a single operand. The type of the operand should match the type of the variable(s) being declared. Unary anything -> constructor Declaration TypeDeclaration Parameters Record Array In a declaration, type declaration, parameter or record this is an indication that the variable(s) defined are arrays. Array takes k+1 arguments, where the first k define the dimensions of the array. The last argument of Array defines the type of the elements of the array. The first k arguments are segments, as defined in Basic. Nary Sequence( anything ) -> constructor Declaration TypeDeclaration Parameters Record Record In a declaration, type declaration, parameter or record this is an indication that the variable(s) defined are records. The format of the arguments to Record is the same as for Declaration, TypeDeclaration or Parameters. Nary Sequence( Equation( Union( symbol, List(symbol)), TypeTokens() )) -> constructor Declaration TypeDeclaration Parameters Record Parameters In a function or procedure declaration this is a description of the name and type of the variables which are passed as parameters. The format of the arguments to Parameters is the same as for Declaration, TypeDeclaration or Parameters. Inside a Parameters declaration, the names Local, Global, and Constant cannot be used. Scalar parameters (integers, floats or characters) are passed by value. Structured parameters (Arrays or Records) are passed by reference. This has the following consequences: (a) Inside a Function or Procedure, the names of the Parameters can never be assigned, that is they cannot be on the lhs of an Assign statement. (b) Components of the Structured parameters can be assigned inside a Function or Procedure, and these assignments will change the structures which have been used in the calling statement. (c) The behaviour of parameters defined with other types (not defined in this CD) is not defined, and there are no guarantees on how they will behave in a particular system. Nary Sequence( Equation( Union( symbol, List(symbol)), TypeTokens() )) -> constructor Function Procedure Assign This statement has two parameters. The first one is a variable name or selector (or an array or record). The second parameter is an arbitrary expression (written using the OpenMath Basic CD and/or others). The result of the execution of the Assign is that the value computed for the second parameter is assigned to the variable name or to the selected array entry or record field. If the first argument of Assign is an indexed name (using the select construct in OpenMath), then the corresponding entry in the Array or the corresponding field in the Record are assigned. (See comments on selectors at the end). Binary (symbol anything) -> constructor Block Function Procedure Program ForLoop ForWhile If v v 1 x Block A Block defines a sequence of statements which are executed as a single unit. A Block is used every time that more than one statement has to be executed in a Function, Procedure, Program, ForLoop, ForWhile or If statement. A Block may have Declaration statements. In this case, the Local variables declared will be accessible to the statements in the Block alone. Their scope is the Block. A Block is equivalent to "{ ... }" in C or begin ... end in Pascal. Nary Sequence(anything) -> constructor Block Function Procedure Program ForLoop ForWhile If t x t x x y y t Comment Definition of a comment. The arguments of this statement are strings. These will be inserted as comments in the generated code. They serve no other purpuse than documentation. Nary Sequence(string) -> constructor Block Function Procedure Program ForLoop ForWhile If Error An Error is an executable statement that will terminate the execution of the entire program. The arguments to Error are used to indicate the cause of the error to the user. They will normally be strings. Nary Sequence(anything) -> constructor Block Function Procedure Program ForLoop ForWhile If m 1000 "too many data points, tables overflowed" ForLoop An integer repetition statement. This statement repeats the execution of its last argument, a statement or a Block of statements, for consecutive values of the "LoopVariable". The argumets to ForLoop are: ForLoop( LoopVariable, InitialValue, Increment, LastValue, Block ) Formally, the ForLoop executes as follows: LoopVariable := InitialValue; while Increment > 0 and LoopVariable ≤ LastValue or Increment < 0 and LoopVariable ≥ LastValue do Block; LoopVariable := LoopVariable+Increment od; (A Break statement inside Block should be read as a Goto to the statement immediately following the loop, a Next statement inside Block should be read as a Goto to the LoopVariable := LoopVariable+Increment statement). This is equivalent to for LoopVariable from InitialValue by Increment to LastValue do Block od; in Maple, and to for( LoopVariable=InitialValue; Increment > 0 && LoopVariable ≤ LastValue || Increment < 0 && LoopVariable ≥ LastValue; LoopVariable += Increment ) Block; in C. 5ary (symbol integer integer integer Block()) -> constructor Block Function Procedure Program ForLoop ForWhile If ForWhile A conditional repetition statement. This statement repeats the execution of its last argument, a statement or a Block of statements, while a boolean expression evaluates to true. The ForWhile could be viewed as modelled after the "for" statement in C. The arguments to ForWhile are: ForWhile( Initial, Condition, Repeat, Block ) Formally, the ForWhile executes as follows: Initial; Label: TopOfLoop; if Condition = true then Block; Repeat; Goto TopOfLoop fi; (A Break statement inside Block should be read as a Goto to the statement immediately following the loop, a Next statement inside Block should be read as a Goto to the Repeat statement). This is equivalent to Initial; while Condition do Block; Repeat od; in Maple and to for( Initial; Condition; Repeat ) Block; in C. 4ary (Statement() boolean Statement() Block()) -> constructor Block Function Procedure Program ForLoop ForWhile If Break Break out of the nearest enclosing ForLoop or ForWhile. Identical to break in Maple or C. Constant () -> constructor Block ForLoop ForWhile If Next Continue with the next iteration of then nearest enclosing ForLoop or ForWhile. Identical to next in Maple or continue in C. Constant () -> constructor Block ForLoop ForWhile If If One-branch conditional statement (no else). The format of this statement is: If( Condition, Block ). The Condition is evaluated first. If it evaluates to true, then the statements in Block are executed. Binary (boolean Block()) -> constructor Block Function Procedure Program ForLoop ForWhile If If Two-branch conditional statement (if else). The format of this statement is: If( Condition, TBlock, FBlock ). The Condition is evaluated first. If it evaluates to true, then the statements in TBlock are executed, otherwise the statements in FBlock are executed. Ternary (boolean Block() Block()) -> constructor Block Function Procedure Program ForLoop ForWhile If Return Return from a Procedure or exit/terminate a Program. This statement terminates the execution of a Procedure or a Program. No result is returned (neither procedures nor programs are expected to return values). There is no need to use a Return statement at the end of the Block in the body of the Procedure or Program, a Return statement is implicitly assumed to exist there. Constant () -> constructor Block Procedure Program ForLoop ForWhile If Return Exit from a Function and return a given value. This statement terminates the execution of a procedure or a program. The argument of Return is returned as a value of the Function called. The type of this argument should coincide with the type declared for the function return. A Return statement is needed at the end of the Block in the body of the Function, if the execution would ever fall through. Unary anything -> constructor Block Function Program ForLoop ForWhile If