Moving parabolic

This is the function which computes the parabolic approximations. The function receives an input vector, x and should fill three vectors, a0, a1 and a2 which represent the three coefficients of the parabolic approximation.

The computation of the approximation is done with the aid of a Maple program which will compute the value of Compute_as. As can be seen from the formula manipulation, to compute the parabolic least squares approximation, three sums are needed (sx, sjx and sj2x). These can be computed for the index i based on the ones for i-1.

Procedure( MovingParabApprox,
  Params( [n,m] = Integer,  [x,a0,a1,a2] = Array(n,Float)),
      i = [Local,Integer],
      [sx,sjx,sj2x] = [Local,Float] ),
    If( m < 3, Error("Parabolic order not large enough") ),
    If( n >= 1, Block( Assign(a0[1],x[1]), Assign(a1[1],0),
    If( n >= 2, Block( Assign(a0[2],x[2]), Assign(a1[2],x[2]-x[1]),
      Assign(a2[2],0) )),

    Comment( "The definitions of sx, sjx, and sj2x are:
 m - 1                m - 1                   m - 1
 -----                -----                   -----
  \                    \                       \     2
   )   x[i - j] = sx,   )   j x[i - j] = sjx,   )   j  x[i - j] = sj2x
  /                    /                       /
 -----                -----                   -----
 j = 0                j = 0                   j = 0  "),

    If( n >= 3, Block(
      Assign( sx, x[1]+x[2] ),
      Assign( sjx, x[1] ),
      Assign( sj2x, x[1] ) )
    ForLoop( i, 3, 1, min(n,m), Block(
      Assign( sj2x, sj2x+2*sjx+sx ),
      Assign( sjx, sjx+sx ),
      Assign( sx, sx+x[i] ),
      subs( m=i, Compute_as))
    ForLoop( i, m+1, 1, n, Block(
      Assign( sj2x, sj2x-x[i-m]*(m-1)^2 ),
      Assign( sjx, sjx-x[i-m]*(m-1) ),
      Assign( sx, sx-x[i-m] ),
      Assign( sj2x, sj2x+2*sjx+sx ),
      Assign( sjx, sjx+sx ),
      Assign( sx, sx+x[i] ),

For i=1 and i=2, the general formulas do not work, and a direct assignment is best.

The comment has been cut-and-pasted from the output of the symbolic algebra system.

The computation of the partial sums is different for i<=m and i>m. For the latter, the last term has to be subtracted off.

Two values of Compute_as are needed. For the first the limit of the sum is i and for the second is m. The values computed are based on m, hence the substitution.