@Article{Basin2017, author="Basin, David and Klaedtke, Felix and Z{\u{a}}linescu, Eugen", title="Algorithms for monitoring real-time properties", journal="Acta Informatica", year="2017", month="Mar", day="03", abstract="Real-time logics are popular specification languages for reasoning about systems intended to meet timing constraints. Numerous formalisms have been proposed with different underlying time models that can be characterized along two dimensions: dense versus discrete time and point-based versus interval-based. We present monitoring algorithms for the past-only fragment of metric temporal logics that differ along these two dimensions, analyze their complexity, and compare them on a class of formulas for which the point-based and the interval-based settings coincide. Our comparison reveals similarities and differences between the monitoring algorithms and highlights key concepts underlying our and prior monitoring algorithms. For example, point-based algorithms are conceptually simpler and more efficient than interval-based ones as they are invoked only at time points occurring in the monitored trace and their reasoning is limited to just those time points.", issn="1432-0525", doi="10.1007/s00236-017-0295-4", url="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00236-017-0295-4" }